Friday, December 18, 2015

Inverted Totalitarianism
How the Bush regime is effecting the transformation to a fascist-like state.

“Representative institutions no longer represent voters. Instead, they have been short-circuited, steadily corrupted by an institutionalized system of bribery that renders them responsive to powerful interest groups whose constituencies are the major corporations and wealthiest Americans. The courts, in turn, when they are not increasingly handmaidens of corporate power, are consistently deferential to the claims of national security. Elections have become heavily subsidized non-events that typically attract at best merely half of an electorate whose information about foreign and domestic politics is filtered through corporate-dominated media. Citizens are manipulated into a nervous state by the media’s reports of rampant crime and terrorist networks, by thinly veiled threats of the Attorney General and by their own fears about unemployment. What is crucially important here is not only the expansion of governmental power but the inevitable discrediting of constitutional limitations and institutional processes that discourages the citizenry and leaves them politically apathetic.”

     This paragraph is stating that  voters are dishonored by those wealthier American /big corporations so voters are no longer represent by political institution and how election is subjugated by media and when it has to be with domestic foreign politic and how people are manipulated by the media talking more about terrorism and Rampart. Crime and with the fears of unemployment and terror is more than government but constructional restrictions and institutional processes which disappoints these people and citizen lose the idea of political interest. 

      It’s obvious that behind everything there is something that manipulates the citizen the most vulnerable, for instance the poor, illegal, race and even religion (social services, welfare) and those manipulative groups treat those as poppet where they can do whatever they want and put them in the situation that they want to because they have the power to manipulate media and give a false perception about the reality. People believe what they want to believe, for instance the whole thing about immigration/reform that  President Obama obtain votes in his election announce about the reform given help to those working  class people, undocumented (Obama Immigration Reform 2014 speech, announcing executive action) but one thing to not forget is that there is a Congress. Whoever is the president doesn’t mean he can pass laws.  “Congress passes immigration law, but the administered bureaucracies write the rules (“regulation”) for how to implement the law” but bureaucratic regulation may create conditions for those illegal immigrants that go against the belief of congressional representative (Rodrigues).

Saturday, December 12, 2015

A Theory of Groups and Organizations

“The idea that organizations or associations exist to further the interests of their members is hardly novel, nor peculiar to economics; it goes back at least to Aristotle, who wrote, "Men journey together with a view to particular advantage, and by way of providing some particular thing needed for the purposes of life, and similarly the political association seems to have come together originally, and to continue in existence, for the sake of the general advantages it brings." S More recently Professor Leon Festinger, a social psychologist, pointed out that "the attraction of group membership is not so much in sheer belonging, but rather in attaining something by means of this membership." f The late Harold Laski, a political scientist, took it for granted that "associations exist to fulfill purposes which a group of men have in common." 

  A philosopher and scientist Aristotle, professor (social psychologist) Leon Festinger and a political scientist Harold Laski explain the meaning of how organizations associations is present and how the affiliate or shareholder has their own interest in a unique nor unusual to economy  by using a theory each one describe the idea; Harold Laski assume that association exist in a way to accomplish purpose where  a vast of men have in common, on the other hand Aristotle theorize that all man journey get together for a unique benefit that way provide their need in each men life, so political association attain together where will continuing and all is for the advantage obtainer. Professor Leon theory states that the attraction of group when belong to such organization is an attaining thing by means of the shareholder instead of absolute belonging

 I choose this paragraph because it’s interesting on how others see association of organization on a different angle and even if they contain dissimilar point of view or theories that are how in reality groups or organization are organized Each organization look for their unique benefit with the idea of getting more or play a role to the use of different purpose. For instance about prisons used to be federal, nowadays there a lot private where many take advantage of the need as well as many organization that may work with intention of helping others but behind the scene there is other purpose. It’s important to know how organizations work in private, on private or public sector, what does those organizations or group really do.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka (1)

               The decision was made base on the legal structure on which separation rested, the ideas of “separation but equal” which started to break. As a result residents of color (living in Topeka, Kansas) starting filing law suit for the segregation of not allowing children of color attend a white school, (not treating the children with equality). So, the question brought to court involved the Equal Protection law of the 14th Amendment that questions “Does Segregation of Children in Public Schools Solely”? To get a final decision it took time and trials. Finally, the law took effect and the 14th amendment was placed into practice.

             I choose this case because it focused on the Civil Right and 14th amendment. Also, showed just how African Americans were segregation back then but, to this day there is more to say about that. For instance, since the post 1965 many Latinos migrated to the United States, many as refugees and/or unaccompanied minors. In which nowadays face barriers in school because of their culture, religion, and language. I believe that anyone has the right for a good education and schools system should not have separations because of cultures, colors, ethnicity or classism. Even more so, this case wasn’t fighting for adult right/equality rather for, children. How do you keep children from being “free?” I believe that segregation could bring a lot of psychological problems for example inferiority, they may see school differently, identify and aspiration could be a matter. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

America’s Most Gerrymandered Congressional Districts

“The compactness of a district -- a measure of how irregular its shape is, as determined by the ratio of the area of the district to the area of a circle with the same perimeter -- can serve as a useful proxy for how gerrymandered the district is. Districts that follow a generally regular shape tend to be compact, while those that have a lot of squiggles and offshoots and tentacle-looking protuberances tend to score poorly on this measure”.

This passage explains mainly how the states manipulate certain districts to their advantage. This gives the state office the power as to which voters they will be responsible for on the day of election. It isn’t geographic per say that shapes these districts but rather the Supreme Court that requires the state legislative to redraw the district lines every 10 years. This happens as voters move into different districts (without knowing), the population in each of these districts becomes uneven therefore state legislative try to ensure that the population is somewhat equal. But in the process of this, officeholders spread their opposing parties voter into different districts in which makes it difficult for the opposing party to gather a majority. And on the contrary, some officeholder will force all of the opposing parties’ voters into one district making it impossible to compete in any of the other districts.

I believe gerrymandering should be illegal because most parties use it to their advantages and manipulate it for power within their own lives and not to benefit us, the people. Politic figures are set to be leaders for the people but the only thing the United States has within its office, honestly is corruption. The only solution to this is to have people who aren’t part of the legislative to redrawn the districts, but we all know that isn’t going to happen. People speech of the United States being a “free” country, but are we truly free? This country manipulates people in the direction that benefits them and that goes with everything, not just for elections. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

John F.  Kennedy

American University Commencement Address

“Finally, my fellow Americans, let us examine our attitude towards peace and freedom here at home. The quality and spirit of our own society must justify and support our efforts abroad. We must show it in the dedication of our own lives -- as many of you who are graduating today will have an opportunity to do, by serving without pay in the Peace Corps abroad or in the proposed National Service Corps here at home. But wherever we are, we must all, in our daily lives, live up to the age-old faith that peace and freedom walk together. In too many of our cities today, the peace is not secure because freedom is incomplete. It is the responsibility of the executive branch at all levels of government -- local, State, and National -- to provide and protect that freedom for all of our citizens by all means within our authority. It is the responsibility of the legislative branch at all levels, wherever the authority is not now adequate, to make it adequate. And it is the responsibility of all citizens in all sections of this country to respect the rights of others and respect the law of the land.”

                 The president John F. Kennedy in the last 6 paragraphs of his speech emphasized in the civil right and how the city or the nation by that time viewed human rights (Civil right).  Everyone living in our society had the same rights; that everyone to pursue a dream or a resolution like going to school (college). Moreover, how harmony and liberty articulate together to the good of  all citizenship. Also, how he described in many of the States, freedom was not notable or implemented. Citizen’s rights should have been the responsibility of the executive branch, but at the same time all citizen’s should  follow rules and laws which would work hand in hand  in order to accomplish what he was looking for was harmony for it was a battle to improve American fairness.

              Choosing this paragraph makes me think about the inequality regarding education and how many students have to pay out of pocket  to achieve a dream. But that is nothing compare to how many struggle to accomplish his/her goal and then earn very little income (teachers –CUNY teachers, . In addition, bias in our society is a big issues since everything and everyone is placed in a stereotype. For example, racism between cultures such as AfricanAmerican, Hispanic. And/or discrimination against the undocumented immigrants and the poor. Even if civil right was abolished long time ago everywhere you go one can see the discrimination between citizens. What about how one of the candidates for the Republican Party Trump expresses or talk about the Hispanic?  What about when one goes and applies for a job? Many care about race, sex, age and don’t even evaluate the education level.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Citizenship and Social Class

T.H Marshall

“It saw the first big advance in social rights, and this involved significant changes in the egalitarian principles expressed in citizenship. But there were other forces at work as well. A rise of money income unevenly distributed over the social classes altered the economic distance which separated these classes from one another, diminishing the gap between skilled and unskilled labour and between skilled labour and non-manual workers, while the steady increase in small savings blurred the class distinction between the capitalist and the property less proletarian. Secondly, a system of direct taxation, ever more steeply graduated, compressed the whole scale of disposable incomes. Thirdly, mass production for the home market and a growing interest on the part of industry in the needs and tastes of the common people enabled the less well-to-do to enjoy a material civilisation which differed less markedly in quality from that of the rich than it had ever done before. All this profoundly altered the setting in which the progress of citizenship took place. Social integration spread from the sphere of sentiment and patriotism into that of material enjoyment. The components of a civilized and cultured life, formerly the monopoly of the few, were brought progressively within reach of the many, who were encouraged thereby to stretch out their hands towards those that still eluded their grasp. The diminution of inequality strengthened the demand for its abolition, at least with regard to the essentials of social welfare”.
            The third and last element in Marshall theory is social citizenship. He explained how an influx of money limited the separation between social classes giving opportunity to the less fortune. Opportunities in the social welfare services which included things such as education and medical treatment. It formed equality that put an end to the social classes’ inequality and status formed by the capitalist. This gave every individual within a community access to social goods ending the monopoly of the rich and allowing other to come within arm’s reach.
            I choose this passage because it shows that many countries all over the world are somewhat managed within a better system. The United States can learn from other countries like London in how to treat their communities a little better. Education and medical treatment has been a large issue in the United States for years in which makes you question where does the money that is taxed go? While the United States maybe a great country it can improve in social welfare services that can limit the social classes.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Declaration of Sentiments

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of those who suffer from it to refuse allegiance to it, and to insist upon the institution of a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their duty to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of the women under this government, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are entitled. The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. He has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise.
He has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation of which she had no voice”.

This passage is about human rights especially towards women. By creation all human beings are the equal whether women and/or man) and each born with equal rights regardless of gender. The pursuit of happiness, life and liberty freedom is something no one can take away. Also, if someone possess a power and/or are superior in which they intent to manipulate and abolish those rights away from women, give permission to women to refuse. Moreover, how woman suffered maltreatment and inequality from men.

I choose this paragraph because it is important to know how woman were victims of suppression at a certain point in life before it came to what it is today. Women were seen as creatures to serve men (almost as slaves) and there was no pity or compassion toward women because their life, liberty and happiness didn't matter. Living in today generation we actually still deal with some suppression. One of the best examples is sexism. Let's take Hillary Clinton as a prime example. People would rather vote or elect a president that doesn't show the proper qualifications rather than a woman who has years of experience. Let’s not ignore the battle now that Hillary is having in her campaign and is all about her genderism. On the other hand, its impressive how a women who were courageous fought for their rights but women will always have obstacles when it comes to their rights because main undermined it.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Revisiting the Constitution: Do Away with the Electoral College
By: Alexander Keyssar

"In a presidential election season, it seems obvious (yet again) that we should rewrite parts of Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution — so that we can dispense with the Electoral College and hold a national popular vote to choose our chief executive”.

The general focus on this passage is how this affects the popular vote. Other the hand, when talking about who wins or loses the election to be a vice president or a president it is divide into two college votes and popular votes. Choosing this paragraph makes me feel as to what is the point to vote if the state is the one that elects the president in the long run, not the people. For instance, let’s look at what happened in the election in 2000 when George W. Bush and Al Gore ran for president. Bush lost the popular vote against Gore but won the Electoral College. As a result, Bush became the president of United States. So why not chose to dispense between the Electoral College and hold a national popular vote to choose a president or a vice president. To my understanding, I feel that this topic has a lot to talk about in regards to awareness. Why spending a lot of money in campaign, advertising when in reality the peoples votes "doesn’t count".

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Federalist No. 51

Assignment # 3


The Federalist No. 51

The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances between the Different Departments

Independent Journal
Wednesday, February 6, 1788
[James Madison]


“But it is not possible to give to each department an equal power of self-defense. In republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates. The remedy for this inconveniency is to divide the legislature into different branches; and to render them, by different modes of election and different principles of action, as little connected with each other as the nature of their common functions and their common dependence on the society will admit. It may even be necessary to guard against dangerous encroachments by still further precautions. As the weight of the legislative authority requires that it should be thus divided, the weakness of the executive may require, on the other hand, that it should be fortified. An absolute negative on the legislature appears, at first view, to be the natural defense with which the executive magistrate should be armed. But perhaps it would be neither altogether safe nor alone sufficient. On ordinary occasions it might not be exerted with the requisite firmness, and on extraordinary occasions it might be perfidiously abused. May not this defect of an absolute negative be supplied by some qualified connection between this weaker department and the weaker branch of the stronger department, by which the latter may be led to support the constitutional rights of the former, without being too much detached from the rights of its own department?”


This passage explain how power could not be divided absolutely equally due to the fact that the republican government tended to have the majority of power. Therefore, in order to have a functioning government with power equally they split the legislative branches into two different branches due to it being the strongest. This also provided a different means of elections within each branch. Splitting the branches in two gave members very little power in electing other possible members. It give citizens the power in electing members to each board instead with very little connection between each other meaning each department becomes independent rather than dependent on each other. This paper I believe goes hand in hand with the constitution and protecting liberty by making a stronger government.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Assignment # 2
Based on the Trans-National America by Randolph Bourne article:

“To face the fact that our aliens are already strong enough to take a share in the direction of their own destiny, and that the strong cultural movements represented by the foreign press, schools, and colonies are a challenge to our facile attempts, is not, however, to admit the failure of Americanization. It is not to fear the failure of democracy. It is rather to urge us to an investigation of what Americanism may rightly mean. It is to ask ourselves whether our ideal has been broad or narrow--whether perhaps the time has not come to assert a higher ideal than the "melting-pot" Surely we cannot be certain of our spiritual democracy when, claiming to melt the nations within us to a comprehension of our free and democratic institutions, we fly into panic at the first sign of their own will and tendency. We act as if we wanted Americanization to take place only on our own terms, and not by the consent of the governed. All our elaborate machinery of settlement and school and union, of social and political naturalization, however, will move with friction just in so far as it neglects to take into account this strong and virile insistence that America shall be what the immigrant will have a hand in making it, and not what a ruling class, descendant of those British stocks which were the first permanent immigrants, decide that America shall be made. This is the condition which confronts us, and which demands a clear and general readjustment of our attitude and our ideal.”

I believe Bourne is trying to point out that what was consider the ideal Americanism by the first few immigrants may isn’t the correct view of the Americanization now. Where other immigrants have to assimilate to what was the ideal America way in which the idea was based on the British Empire.  Those immigrants who refused to assimilate into the Anglo-Saxon culture where looked at as “immigrants refusing to be melted.” On the other hand, as generations have changed so have the number of immigrants who migrate to the United States, allowing us to be more open and diverse to different traditions and beliefs. Just because one has different traditions and/or bellies from another doesn’t make them less American then the next. It actually allows America to stand for its freedom. Immigrants are allow to continue with their traditions along with being educated about others traditions and adapting to the diversity within the United States. I believe when there is diversity there is growth. And I don’t not believe that immigrates should be melted or forced to follow the same tradition as others because then there wouldn’t be any diversity or freedom.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Based on the Despite Negativity, Americans Mixed on Ideal Role of Gov't article:
“Americans have divided opinions when asked to think broadly about the purpose of government. About as many Americans (35%) prefer an activist government that tries in every way to improve the lives of its citizens as prefer a government that provides only the most basic government functions (37%), with the rest placing themselves between these two positions. These attitudes, basically unchanged from a year ago, underscore the complex nature of Americans' views of government. Americans have strongly negative views of the way the nation is being governed and of Congress. They also, as will be reviewed here, have significant concerns about the power of the federal government, believe that government is doing too much that individuals and businesses can do, and prefer fewer services and lower taxes. Yet, in a broad sense, Americans are as likely to prefer a more active government as a more limited one” (Newport 2011).
The meaning of this passage is generally focused on Americans perspective on how they view the government’s power. Some Americans feel that the government doesn’t use their power to improve individual’s lives. On the other hand, some have no problem with the functionally of the government as it is today. Many feel that the government should take less and do more. Meaning, less tax deduction and leaving Americans with more allowing more power on citizens and less in the government system.
I choose this passage for several reasons; first, I strongly feel that the government system abuses their power on the middle class citizen in comparison to the rich and/or poor class. Being a part of the middle class it places me in between the rich and the poor class where more taxes get deducted from the middle class to make up what cannot be deducted from the rich and/or poor leaving us with limited power. Second, as a citizen I question the power of the federal government in doing what is right. I feel that the government is sometimes more concerned with what doesn’t involve us. Leaving the question as to what is really being done to improve Americans middle class lives. Third, I feel this passage brings awareness to question why the middle class suffers more than the rich and/or poor class. Why does the middle class support not only their own family members but also the low income class? Who does the wealthy class support? Why does the wealthy and low income class have more power over the middle class, shouldn't it be equality?