Friday, October 9, 2015

Revisiting the Constitution: Do Away with the Electoral College
By: Alexander Keyssar

"In a presidential election season, it seems obvious (yet again) that we should rewrite parts of Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution — so that we can dispense with the Electoral College and hold a national popular vote to choose our chief executive”.

The general focus on this passage is how this affects the popular vote. Other the hand, when talking about who wins or loses the election to be a vice president or a president it is divide into two college votes and popular votes. Choosing this paragraph makes me feel as to what is the point to vote if the state is the one that elects the president in the long run, not the people. For instance, let’s look at what happened in the election in 2000 when George W. Bush and Al Gore ran for president. Bush lost the popular vote against Gore but won the Electoral College. As a result, Bush became the president of United States. So why not chose to dispense between the Electoral College and hold a national popular vote to choose a president or a vice president. To my understanding, I feel that this topic has a lot to talk about in regards to awareness. Why spending a lot of money in campaign, advertising when in reality the peoples votes "doesn’t count".

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